Always Sleepy No Matter How Much Sleep I Get

Are you tired all the time and cannot fathom the reason why? We expect to bounce off the walls with energy and happiness when we sleep well at night. Most people enjoy that benefit, although millions of people across the country feel tired and groggy no matter how many hours of sleep they get at night. If you are among those people, simple changes may be the key to feeling your best once again.
Often, lifestyle changes impact us enough that we feel great with the right amount of sleep. If lifestyle changes do not solve the problem, schedule an appointment with a medical professional. Oftentimes medical conditions and sleep disorders like hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), iron deficiency, and mental health issues can cause daytime sleepiness and grogginess. After a medical diagnosis and proper treatment, excessive daytime sleepiness becomes one less issue burdening your life.
Many things may cause you to feel sleepy during the day. Most of us experience this feeling on occasion. It is when you feel tired more often than not that you should worry. Things like the foods that you eat and your pre-bedtime activities may impact how you feel the next day. Or it may be caused by a serious medical condition like restless leg syndrome or sleep apnea.
If you don't think your sleep problems are due to a medical condition, and simply need customized advice on improving your sleep hygiene, you can try a personal sleep consultation to learn more about your habits and how you can improve your sleep quality.
Now, here's more about some more serious reasons behind your excessive sleepiness.
One Reason Why You May Always Be Sleepy: Hypersomnia
If you're otherwise healthy, but are always sleepy no matter how much sleep you get, you may have Hypersomnia. In short, hypersomnia is a chronic neurological condition that makes you tired no matter how much sleep you get.
If you find yourself being tired throughout the day, even after getting enough sleep, you may want to look into hypersomnia to learn the best way to improve your sleep quality.
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Check out the list of common causes of excessive daytime sleepiness on the list below:
Poor Sleep Habits
Many of us lead lifestyles that are not exactly sleep-friendly. These lifestyle factors affect our sleep quality and thus impact how we feel the next day. Whether you stay up late cramming for a test, working on a long night shift, or out and about enjoying life with friends, the lack of sleep catches up with you eventually and all the signs that you are sleep-deprived rear their ugly faces. This includes poor decision-making skills, increased risk of an accident, and other undesirable consequences. A little bit of sleep hygiene improves habits that may negatively impact how you feel.
- Set a bedtime and stick to a consistent sleep schedule. Having a regular sleep pattern gets the body in a routine for a good night's sleep.
- Us the bedroom only for sleep so as not to disturb the body's natural cardiac rhythm.
- Reduce the number of items on the agenda to complete during the day
- Prioritize sleep. Understand the value of getting enough deep sleep and follow recommendations from the American Sleep Association.
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Obstructive Sleep Apnea
One of many medical conditions causing excessive sleepiness, sleep apnea is also very serious because it causes the sufferer to stop breathing while they sleep. A good indication that a person suffers from this sleep disorder is waking up feeling tired and unrested. Every person with sleep apnea experiences an array of symptoms. Most common ones are excessive daytime sleepiness and a loud snort followed by a gasp that causes the sufferer to wake from their slumber. This leads to lighter sleep stages. Some people do not remember the episodes, but instead, others notice their habits. Treatments for sleep apnea usually involve the use of a CPAP machine at home. Sleep apnea is a chronic condition, but with medical intervention, is highly manageable.
Narcolepsy causes a person to randomly fall asleep during the day (excessive daytime sleepiness). The person may be in the middle of a conversation when they suddenly nod off. Narcolepsy patients may sleep for minutes or longer and wake up and resume activities as nothing happened. Narcolepsy symptoms often appear suddenly without warning or indication of a problem. One of the four defining symptoms of narcolepsy is excessive sleepiness. Cataplexy is another symptom of narcolepsy. You may also experience some muscle weakness and muscle loss during periods of strong emotion (cataplexy). Ritalin and other prescription medications may treat narcolepsy. This condition must be diagnosed and treated by a medical professional.
Restless Leg Syndrome
Any disorder that requires excessive movements during the day may cause you to wake up feeling tired and sleepy the following day. Restless Leg Syndrome, or RLS, is among the most common of those disorders. People of all ages and backgrounds may experience restless leg syndrome. Characterized by uncomfortable sensations (may say it feels like they are being poked with pins) RLS occurs commonly during the evening hours when a person lays down to rest. It may also worsen with age and occurs more often in older adults. Moving the legs around usually minimizes the discomfort. Your certified sleep medicine doctor has several treatment options available for RLS relief.
Circadian Rhythm Disorders
Circadian Rhythm is the body's natural clock. It helps coordinate the body's activities to the timing of light and dark. When your circadian rhythm is balanced, you're more likely to feel energized and alert throughout the day. However, when the circadian rhythm is distorted, you may feel sleepy when at work or during other inappropriate times. People with these sleep disorders may have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Circadian rhythm disorders can disrupt sleep patterns, creating an inconsistent sleep cycle. Light therapy and melatonin are two popular treatments that help get the circadian rhythm back on track, so you feel well-rested and ready to roar. Visit your doctor who can diagnose the exact condition and recommend and prescribe the best course of treatment for your specific needs.
Chronic fatigue syndrome is a medical condition that still baffles doctors. The exact cause of this condition is unknown, but what experts know about chronic fatigue syndrome is that sufferers experience a myriad of conditions and symptoms ranging from poor sleep quality, fatigue, confusion, poor decision-making skills, daytime sleepiness, unexplained muscle and joint pain, and many others. While chronic fatigue syndrome has no cure, therapy, medication, and self-care often improve the condition. People of all ages experience chronic fatigue, though more common in older adults.
Everyone feels sleepy or tired from time to time, even when they slept well the night prior. When this feeling occurs often, there is a problem. Do not ignore daytime sleepiness and other sleep problems. Signs and symptoms that occur may indicate a more serious problem that needs immediate medical attention. The causes above lead to daytime sleepiness more often than others, although this list certainly is not complete. Change your lifestyle using the above information and if you still wake up feeling tired all the time without any noticeable changes within a few days, schedule an appointment with your doctor to rule out or diagnose medical conditions like chronic fatigue that may cause sleepiness.
Gabe is the newest member of The Sleep Shop team. If you like the design of The Sleep Shop, give Gabe a thumbs up. He’s a digital marketing and design guru and the brains behind the design and SEO of The Sleep Shop. He also won’t say no to testing a ton of mattresses either, and helps on almost every mattress review.
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That’s pretty crazy that sleep apnea makes you stop breathing while you sleep. That sounds like it’s pretty dangerous. I should consider getting myself tested for that since it sounds like something you would want to get treated right away.
Sleep apnea is typically caused by having significantly larger tonsils than average so it’s pretty easy to diagnose or tell how easily you could get it (weight gain increases your likelihood). You can shine a flashlight in your mouth to look at your tonsils and a couple symptoms are getting strep throat a lot more frequently than the average person and snoring.
-not a doctor, but someone who has sleep apnea
As an add in to this, sinus disorders are another problem that many people, including myself, have that disrupts sleep patterns and causes breathing to slow or stop over the course of a restless night due to air blockage in either the nasal passages, or the lungs becoming congested, making me, for one, wake abruptly to catch a breath of air, or to cough out the congestion or blow my nose to breathe. Sinus drip makes me wake up wanting to go back to sleep most of the time. (Also not a doctor:)
That is one that is never on the list and that happens to me all the time.
My 2 year old son has sleep apnea, he had ahis tonsils, and adenoids (A bone behind the nose) surgically removed. You will need to see an ear nose and throat specialist to have it diagnosed.
Since I was a teenager I’ve had troubles waking up I still do to this day and I’m an adult with two kids and I have my sister who wakes me up but it’s still a hassle
I go to sleep at around 10:00 at night and wake up at around 5:00 I have to set about 10 alarms every morning to wake me up I still feel tired and my eyes burn through out the day. I get nauseous in car rides when I’m in the passenger seat and is hard to stay awake. Any answers to why I could be this sleepy and get car sickness?
If your overall sleep hygiene is good (blue light blockers, no caffeine before bed, etc.) it could be something more serious worth looking into.
That sounds like something abnormal enough to warrant going to a doctor. I wish I had something more helpful, but it sounds like the issue is something I don’t have enough experience in to give valuable input, aside from concern. Go see what a doctor has to say about that.
it’s because you aren’t going to sleep around 10, it’s really closer to 12 because you’re a night bperson. If you sleep only 5 hours every night, after awhile you will feel tired ALL the time. You need to be thinking about getting to bed around 8, fall asleep at 9 wake up at 5 and that’s your 8 hours. Only then will you feel rested on a daily basis. We can survive without a full 8 hours every now and then but never just 5.
Check for carbon monoxide poisoning
I always feel sleepy even i had slept the whole night till the next day..amd what bothers me the most is that my weight is increasing getting so much worried about my health
I have all the above problems! I don’t work but want to and know I’ll be fired due to not getting up no matter how important it is! I could sleep most days away! I don’t know what to do! I’ve take depression meds they don’t work! I’ve been treated for anxiety since I was 16 and now major depression that I can’t get out of but want to, Badly I want a normal life back!
I have exactly the same symptoms as you.
Sometimes the only thing that gets me out of bed is my job! Knowing I absolutely have to get up is the only reason I’m up before the sun I also take lots of vitamins, drink water & green tea right when I wake up & coffee through out work. I only eat healthy at work bc carb dense & unhealthy foods weigh you down & make you more tired instead of giving nutrients to provide energy! On top of that I drink a gallon of water through my work day
I was actually too tired to read the full article above. Ugh….
I had the day off and planned to get so much done. I couldn’t get out of bed. I slept from midnight till 7pm. It’s ruining my life. I can’t fall asleep but when I do I can’t get up and when I get up I feel like I haven’t slept at all. It is affecting all aspects of my life.
I have this exact issue, too.
maybe it’s all the crystal meth you’re smoking.
Hi Steve. I believe most of us have gone through this too. It can get really frustrating. But I noticed that when I experience this sometimes it’s due to unfinished work or chores that drain me psychologically. So I try to get them done to clear my mind off them. Also avoid planning too many things in one day, you’ll get overwhelmed the minute the day starts. Try to achieve just one thing and once it’s done, you’ll find yourself energetic enough to do more. Feel great soon!
I just need a pick me up every morning. I hate coffee, I hate energy drinks. They should have a pill that is legal, that is over the counter that just gives you a zip in the morning. Like the legal equivalent to a hit or two of meth or a line of coke.. what would be so wrong with that?
I mean adderall is legal. You’d have to be prescribed it but it can do the trick.
Try jet alert. They make 100 mg caps and 200 mg caps. 100 is equal to a large cup of coffee. They also can be cut to smaller doses. I take it as I wake up and in about 20 minutes I can feel it helping without feeling jittery. It’s faster and easier than trying to get coffee or tea in my system. I’ve used it for 15+ years. Order online.
I use it during the day when coffee or tea are not available. I often take a half but if I’m really tired do the full 100.
it’s because you aren’t going to sleep around 10, it’s really closer to 12 because you’re a night bperson. If you sleep only 5 hours every night, after awhile you will feel tired ALL the time. You need to be thinking about getting to bed around 8, fall asleep at 9 wake up at 5 and that’s your 8 hours. Only then will you feel rested on a daily basis. We can survive without a full 8 hours every now and then but never just 5.
I work overnight as a stocker I get off at 7 am and go in at 10 pm everyday Tuesday night to Sunday morning then I’m off for two days. I feel like all week no matter how much I sleep I always wake up exhausted and tired and sleepy why is that I don’t know what to do.
Try using a weighted blanket. Check out this post
Weighed blankets help with anxiety and keep you sleeping faster for longer. Also try taking a week off from work to unwind. You can also schedule your work vs house chores and make sure you intentionally set aside time for resting. And sometimes use that time to go outside and breathe and enjoy some sun. Being in confined spaces for long also clogs our minds. I hope you feel rested soon!
For you that cannot wake up on time in the morning, even though you “get enough sleep” : Years ago, I read of a case that was finally resolved. The young man’s body temperature was not rising in the morning like it should, He put an electric blanket on his bed plugged into a time that turned the blanket on maybe an hour before he needed to wake up (may need to experiment with timing.) When he warmed up, he woke up.
Leanne Woody, I agree with you! I set my nest thermostat to heat us up 30min to an hour before we need to wake up and it really helps!
My husband has a fib worked nights hid whole life, he’s been retired now for 25 years. goes to bed a round 1 or 2 and has trouble getting to sleep. He’ll get up around 2 or 3 in the afternoon and sit on the couch and go right back to sleep for another 3 or 4 hours. Get up eat super and back on the couch and back to sleep. He does not have sleep apnea. He has problems with his feet and ankles swelling and has episodes of feeling light headed and dizzy. I feel it has to do with his heart. Who should we see about this